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What is Bitcoin?

Started by admin, Oct 28, 2019, 04:36 pm

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"The Good Wife" Airs "Bitcoin for Dummies" TV Episode, December 19, 2011: $4.22.
Investors expected the bitcoin-themed TV episode to push bitcoin to new heights. 9.45 million viewers tuned in to the episode, which featured a manhunt for the creator of bitcoin. Unfortunately for hodlers, few viewers bought into the hype and the price remained stagnant.
Mt. Gox Hacked for First Time, June 19, 2011: $17.77.
An auditor working for Mt. Gox hacked the exchange by downloading a copy of the user database containing insecure hashed passwords. Using admin-level privileges, the auditor placed a huge number of sell orders on the exchange, causing the price to plummet to just $0.01 per bitcoin. Mt. Gox spotted the issue, then halted trading for seven days while they reversed the trades and secured their systems. Over 4,019 bitcoins were stolen from 600 compromised wallets.
Gawker Publishes Article About Silk Road, June 1, 2011: $16.88.
Gawker writer Adrian Chen published an article called, "The Underground Website Where You Can Buy Any Drug Imaginable." The controversial article described how you could purchase drugs, assassins, and virtually anything on Silk Road in exchange for bitcoin. The heavily-trafficked article caused the price of bitcoin to surge from $9.21 to $17.61. Within a week of publication, bitcoin peaked at a price of $31.
Three New Bitcoin Exchanges Open to Accept Fiat Currencies, March 27, 2011: $0.72.
In March, an exchange called Britcoin was launched, allowing users to trade bitcoin directly with the British Pound (GBP) for the first time. Soon after, a Brazil-based exchange followed suit, launching a service for Brazilian Real (BRL) and USD trading with bitcoin. On April 5, Bitmarket.eu launched, allowing users to trade bitcoin with the Euro (EUR) for the first time. These three exchanges opened the floodgates for millions of new bitcoin users.
Bitcoin Price Hits Parity with the US Dollar, February 9, 2011: $1.
At just two years old, Bitcoin was worth the same amount as the US Dollar on the Mt. Gox Exchange, officially achieving parity with the world's largest fiat currency for the first time in history. As news of USD parity hit various media outlets, the price rose even further as the public jumped on board.
Bitcoin Protocol Bug Causes Hard Fork, August 15, 2010: $0.07.
Due to a computer number processing error, an anonymous person created a fraudulent bitcoin transaction that generated trillions of bitcoins - almost 99 thousand more than what can exist in the system. The oddity was quickly spotted by bitcoin developers and a fix was made within hours.
Mt. Gox Opens for Business, July 18, 2010: $0.06.
Mt. Gox was launched on July 18 by programmer Jed McCaleb, previously known for creating the p2p network eDonkey in 2000. The infrastructure for the bitcoin exchange was based on McCaleb's previous, failed project for a Magic: The Gathering Online card exchange platform (MTGOX). Within 3 years, Mt. Gox would grow to become the largest bitcoin exchange on the internet. McCaleb sold the exchange to Mark Karpeles on March 6, 2011.
Bitcoin Featured in Slashdot Article, July 11, 2010: $0.08.
The release of bitcoin 0.3 was featured on the website Slashdot.org, a popular news and technology website. The tech-savvy readers became interested in bitcoin, driving up the price of bitcoin 10x from $0.008 to $0.08 in just five days.
Two Pizzas Are First Material Item Purchased Using Bitcoin, May 22, 2010: $0.0025.
A Bitcointalk forum user named Laszlo paid 10,000 BTC in exchange for two pizzas worth approximately $25. The pizzas were ordered and paid for by another Bitcointalk forum user, Jercos. It's the first known trade of bitcoin for a real, material item.
The First Bitcoin-to-Fiat Exchange Occurs, October 12, 2009: $0.001.
Using PayPal, New Liberty Standard purchased 5,050 BTC from a user named Sirius for $5.02 USD, which equates to an exchange rate of roughly $0.001 per BTC. It's the first known trade involving bitcoin and fiat currency.
New Liberty Standard Publishes First Bitcoin Exchange Rate, October 5, 2009: $0.0008.
New Liberty Standard launched a bitcoin exchange service with an initial exchange rate of 1,309.03 BTC to 1 USD, or about $0.0008 per 1 BTC. New Liberty Standard calculated this exchange rate based on the cost of electricity consumed by a computer to mine a single bitcoin at the time.
First Bitcoin Transaction from Satoshi to Hal Finney, January 12, 2009: $0.
The first bitcoin transaction in history took place on January 12 when Satoshi Nakamoto transferred 10 bitcoins to developer and cryptography activist Hal Finney. Hal Finney famously tweeted about the interaction, and also later joked that he never paid Satoshi back.
Genesis Block Established, January 3, 2009: $0.
The first bitcoin block, the Genesis Block, was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto, officially launching the bitcoin blockchain.
Truth About Bitcoin: A Legitimate Future Against All Odds and Arguments About Its Value.
With big names of industry having wildly different opinions about the validity and futures of Bitcoin, it can be hard to know what to believe and trust.
Warren Buffet has called Bitcoin "a delusion," while younger entrepreneur Elon Musk calls it "Brilliant" (an effect it appears to be having on a lot of the younger entrepreneurs).
January 3 rd , 2019 was the 10 year anniversary of Bitcoin. Now that it's been around for a decade, where does it stand? Will the price go up or down? Maybe neither? Does Bitcoin have a future?
As Blockchain makes new advances, could this lead to mass adoption of the tech? Can Bitcoin remain the king of cryptocurrencies?
The best way to tackle futures of Bitcoin is to take apart the arguments, one by one.
Bitcoin is a Waste of Energy.
"uses as much CO2 a year as 1 million transatlantic flights. In November, the power consumed by the entire bitcoin network was estimated to be higher than that of the Republic of Ireland. It's on pace to use just over 42TWh of electricity in a year, placing it ahead of New Zealand and Hungary and just behind Peru."
While ending with: "We need to take it seriously as a climate threat."
This is true. Even China has gone so far as to threaten banning bitcoin to offset negative environment effects (April 2019).
The comparison to the 1 million transatlantic flights is completely correct, with flights serving a utilitarian purpose that we of course won't try to stop any time soon. However, the comparison disregards that huge amount of added pollution that large airliners create by using oil as their fuel source- something a digital token of course doesn't deal with.
Mining is the true energy monster of Bitcoin's Blockchain tech. Mining is necessary to secure pieces of bitcoin. It keeps your coin valuable, helps prevent your digital wallet from being hacked, and makes it a safer all around digital asset. The truth is, bitcoin mining also serves a purpose for the user and for the asset itself. It is vital to the purpose and value of Bitcoin.
Fiat moneys (USD, the pound, Euro, Yen etc) also have a system of operations and security that uses considerable energies to maintain- the banking system. The comparison they made overlooks the realities of modern tradition banking and just how much electricity it uses.
Kelly-Pitou, technology researcher at the University of Pittsburgh, had this to say:
"...banking alone consumes an estimated 100 terawatts. This is a little bit more than three times the energy Bitcoin mining consumes."
Banks have online and physical branches, offices, and ATMs- all of which consume energy. The big difference between the two is banks are centralized to a limited amount of locations and bitcoin mining is decentralized, relying on small computer arrays.
What's more is it generalizes power usage while disregarding the country to country difference of energy consumption. For example, Iceland relies on nearly 100 percent renewable energies and is a hub for bitcoin mining- making it not a threat to environmental concerns. China, on the other hand, still relies heavily on fossil fuels (despite trying to lead green energy innovation because of high amounts of population in their country) for electricity. Bitcoin being mined heavily in China would be a massive environmental concern. To get even more in the weeds, Bitcoin mining companies are responsible for most of the mining and they actually flock to places where they can get energy cheap, including places with a surplus of energy that cannot be saved or otherwise sold and that INCLUDES China which always produces a massive surplus (there is something to be said about the energy consumption of a small percentage of small computer networks or single ones in a population base that's big the way China's is, however).
Its effects on consumption relating to environment should be looked at based on region and not be painted with a wide sweeping brush when it can't possibly all fall under the same umbrella.
The Bubble Market: Bitcoin Obituaries.
Charlie Munger has said "Bitcoin is worthless, artificial gold." and the media has repeatedly likened it to the tulip mania. For 10 years, bitcoin has been portrayed by big media names as a bubble about to pop for good and have pronounced bitcoin dead more than 30 times.
Every system improvement to Bitcoin has been decried and denounced, every burst bubble has been 'the end,' every increase in price won't last, and no matter how many times it bounces back- it's still not taken seriously.
Now it's been a decade, is it still fair to call it a bubble? Or is there more stable mechanisms behind the price? People love to ask and know 'will bitcoin ever die'?
To start with, all new markets start volatile. Every new technology and asset class has experienced a similar rise and fall cycle. Take the internet for example, the dotcom era saw company shares rise by 1000% like it was normal before it all came tumbling down. Yet we are still using the internet more than ever. Such a useful new technology is hard to overlook just because it suffers a bust.
The argument is: that is what digital assets and the Blockchain tech they are responsible for will be.
Stocks also experienced similar boom and bust cycles in their early days. The first were invented in the 1500s and they were rough. There was no regulation, volatile price changes, scams, and they were sold at coffee shops instead of stock exchanges. Bitcoin has seen volatility, massive price changes, scams, and before exchanges started popping up, there was a peer-to-peer marketplace on localbitcoins.com.
After the 2008 financial crisis, we all became aware that real estate was not the safe investment the majority thought it was (according to Business Insider- "Between 2006 and 2014, nearly 10 million homeowners in America saw foreclosure sale of their own homes," with then of thousands becoming entirely homeless as a result).


Oct 28, 2019, 04:54 pm #31 Last Edit: Apr 20, 2020, 06:47 am by admin
Stocks have existed more than 400 years, dotcom companies for more than 40, and Bitcoin for only 10 (with a majority of the cryptocurrency market being even younger). It's extraordinarily volatile right now but that could be because it's young. It's entirely possible that it will settle.
It starts as a volatile novelty and it slowly becomes more and more a part of our daily lives.
Wealthy Market Manipulations.
The Independent September 2018: "Bitcoin price Crash. ' Manipulative Whales' cause Cryptocurrency Market Meltdown!"

While this was mostly sensationalism meant to scare people and ultimately hurt the futures of Bitcoin, it is partially true. Even today, 85% of coin is only in 1% of digital wallets.
However, it is important to do your own research and understand things for yourself instead of solely listening to sensationalist journalism. If someone did, the first thing you would see is that a majority of them are not actually owned by 'whales' but by exchanges.
On top of this, many wallets used to hold most of the Bitcoin by 'whales' are cold wallets- wallets that hold the digital currency disconnected from any servers. Major exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, Kraken, and others do this.
Chainalysis, a company specializing in analysing Bitcoin Blockchain, found:
"the actual threat that all whales pose to cryptocurrency economy is relatively low. If they sold off their entire holdings, it would be effectively a $3.9 billion sale at current prices. That's not even 10% of the current total market capitalization of Bitcoin."
The reason singular large whales cannot manipulate prices as significantly as you would assume is because the cold wallets held by exchanges diminish their impact.
Bitcoin Is Slow.
It's true, unequivocally. Processing Bitcoin takes an average of 10 minutes while big name card payments like Visa and MasterCard work in seconds.
For now, Bitcoin cannot be a reliable, widely used for of payment. For now.
Remember internet in the late 80s? It had an Ethernet hook up, took up phone lines, and took close to 10 minutes to load. Bitcoin has only been around as a company for 10 years, give it some time. It may not be able to handle quick transactions now but the technology is still learning and it can easily get there.
Think about how far the internet has come since then, even after the dotcom crash.
Criminal Activity and Phishing.
According to Forbes, there are scams where hackers email their victims requesting BTC payments by blackmailing them with sensitive information. Bitcoin was used on the Silk Road in the dark web, it's been a prime way for phishers to get money, and what's worse is it's nearly impossible to track.
But the truth? Cash is still the king of the game.
Illegal activity and cash (or coin if you're going back in the past) has always been the king. If you want to get something done, nothing moves mountains like laying down cash.
Lilita Infante, Special Agent for the DEA, went on record to talk about the realities of BTC transactions for illegal things, saying "illegal activity has shrunk to about 10 percent." She is a part of a 10 person Cyber Investigate Task Force team whose focus is crypto-related illegal activity on the dark web and works in conjunction with the Department of Justice, the FBI, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.
It not only is at just 10% but the number is actually falling. Sciencemag wrote a full report on how governments are developing techniques for tracking criminal activity in the Blockchain and learning how to trace bitcoin payments back to the criminal that made them. BTC was a popular form of payment for a few years because it was anonymous, there were no regulations or protections, and no one knew how to tackle such a new technology yet. All of those things are no longer true or changing.
Using Bitcoin Is Not Easy.
While it is possible to pay for things with Bitcoin, with some regions and countries being more readily available for the option, it is still quite difficult.
On the one hand, a journalist from Business Insider spent a day trying to do just that and failed abysmally. On the other hand, a book was written by someone who spent a year traveling and living off of 1 bitcoin, using pieces of it as payment called "Stolen Wallets."
New payment adoptions take time. Credit cards took almost 20 years for mass adoption and they've been a daily part of our lives for decades now. As Bitcoin becomes more popular, it will become easier to use.
Will Bitcoin Be A Real Currency.
There are significant limitations to Bitcoin and hurdles that would have to be overcome before it could be a daily use payment. Some may not ever happen.
That same journalist from Business Insider tried to accomplish the same goal using a gold bar. We all know there is great value in gold but trying to pay for anything with it was found to be impossible (at least they were able to find 2 places that took BTC as payment).
Gold is currently considered a 'store value'- an "asset that can be saved, retrieved, and exchanged at a later time, and be predictably useful when retrieved." Bitcoin has been able to be saved, retrieved, and exchanged for 10 years now, and despite the bubble and bust market it suffers from, the price keeps going up when you look at long term maps of value between its start and now.
Bitcoin could become the digital version of Gold.
It's Hard To Use: But is Bitcoin Really That Difficult?
Brand new technologies are often not user friendly because they are so new. Remember all the steps it took to make an email decades ago? It required plugging in and unplugging things several times, sending away for a CD to download AOL, and a long amount of time. Bitcoin requires complicated strings of information to be copy and pasted, setting up a wallet, remembering seed phrases, it's not easy for most of us. Especially as something we are not used to doing.
But what if Bitcoin is like early email.
It's also entirely possible that its difficulty boosts its value. For example, gold is not easy to own. You have to find a specialty shop to buy investments in it, store it somewhere like a bank vault or personal safe, and keep track of any codes/passwords and keys it may require to access.
The difficulty of Bitcoin may help it retain its value if it never gets easier to use and especially if it becomes a store value like gold.
The Truth About Bitcoin's Price and Future USD Value:
Criticism of Bitcoin is not always justified and it takes your own keen research to see that. There is a lot of assumptions made when guessing where Bitcoin will go and the truth is, no one actually knows.
Not everything makes it through its trial phase of popularity. But Blockchain is one of the most promising technologies of the 21 st century and the century only just began. The tech is still in its infancy and although we are finding new adaptions for it in our current way of doing things, it could usher in an entirely new way including with cryptocurrencies.
Like with all things, we must give it time. Maybe Bitcoin won't remain King of Cryptocurrencies. But it's been 10 years, 350+ obituaries later, and a massive burst market bubble and it's still here, rising in value steadily over the mark of time.


The Best Bitcoin Exchanges.
Best Bitcoin Exchanges to Trade & Buy Bitcoin, Altcoins & Cryptocurrency 2019.
When it comes to finding the best bitcoin exchange things are not all that easy. Many of the best bitcoin exchanges to buy bitcoin are only recently online. This means that they have had little time to get the word out about their services and products. Most people coming to this page will be asking how to buy bitcoin online through a secure means. Well, here is a good starting point.
One of the first things to consider when searching for the best bitcoin exchange is; how safe are both the website and server. A trustworthy bitcoin exchange providing transparent data about coins in cold storage (more on this later). It is also a good to look for available currency pairs: example looking to trade bitcoin for USD, Euros, or other fiat currencies. The location usually gives an idea of what is on offer. However, the largest bitcoin exchanges usually have many options for buying bitcoin with government issued currency and altcoins.
Best Bitcoin Exchanges to Trade & Buy Bitcoin Cryptocurrency 2019 list.
Award-winning Cryptocurrency trading platform.
11 payment methods, including PayPal.
FCA & Cysec regulated.
Award-winning Cryptocurrency trading platform.


Currently Offline - Stay Away Until Further Notice.
Top 10 Best Bitcoin Exchanges to Buy & Trade Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency 2019 list.
Although you should always do your own research before investing, the above table is the best bitcoin exchanges to buy bitcoin online. If you are new to cryptocurrency exchanges then check out our exchange finder section which breaks down all exchanges by different criteria. We rank exchanges by the following criteria:
We rank the exchanges first and fore-mostly by their security measures and how trust worthy they are considered to be. User feedback is essential for us to create a rounded view of each exchange, make sure to give your input on exchanges you regularly use and those that you have tried and discarded immediately.
We also look at the exchanges accessibility is terms of user experience, how they can buy bitcoin, be it with credit card, paypal or other forms of payment. Be sure to bookmark this page for future reference.
For a list of all the exchanges we have reviewed, see the exchanges page.
How to buy bitcoin using this list of Bitcoin exchanges?
This list should be used as a guide, make sure to read our reviews on each exchange and ultimately make your own decision. All exchanges have their pros and cons, and you should make sure that the exchange you choose is suitable for you.
Hopefully the list of best bitcoin exchanges and cryptocurrency exchanges above will be of good use when buying and trading bitcoins. Each outstanding site should have detailed instructions. From here, one can easily figure out how to buy bitcoin with credit card, paypal, cash, bank transfers. Once you have got some coins check out the list of available wallets.
What is the top crypto exchange site to buy bitcoin in the above list?
It's a tough question in my opinion. Each will have an upside compared to others. Check a few out and look up on forums to see what users are saying about the service provided, and which they think are the best Crypto Exchanges to buy bitcoin easily. Localbitcoins.com is a really cool crypto exchange p2p bitcoin exchange for beginners wanting to buy for their first time. The service is all over the world, meaning you can use euros, pounds, yen, Australian dollars, Swiss francs, Canadian dollars, krona, rubles, lira, rupees and so on.
If you pay by physical cash then you get to meet the person in real life. Alternatively you can do a fast bank transfer and the site will hold your coins in escrow for you once it goes through. Obviously there are more simple ways to start using a crypto exchanges and bitcoin exchange and buy altcoins. Some like to buy with paypal, but not many leading bitcoin exchanges accept this because of charge backs.
Having used localbitcoins myself, I found it a great way to sell bitcoins. Especially if you are trying to shift a lot, you can wait for the price you want and slowly sell, I found that despite the charge I got on average a better price than other exchanges.
Which are the largest exchanges to buy cryptocurrency?
Generally the biggest bitcoin exchanges to buy cryptocurrency will be toward the top of the above list. For example eToro, Bitfinex, Coinbase Pro (GDAX), Bitstamp, Coinbase (also the best usd bitcoin exchange) all represent large volume proportions. Daily volume varies, and therefore the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange vary each day. Go to bitcoinity for a good list of all the best bitcoin exchange site to buy cryptocurrency and their proportional volumes. Some find this handy for arbitrage between markets.
What about the best cryptocurrency exchange?
Sadly, with the demise of Cryptsy there is a need for a new major first-rate cryptocurrency and Bitcoin exchange (aka altcoins). Having many medium-sized cryptocurrency exchange bitcoin sites is a better situation than having one large amazing option. Binance has now replaced Poloniex as the largest most amazing option to exchange bitcoin. Its platform is functional enough to have attracted tens of millions of new customer every month.
Things feel smooth when using Binance. All big and small trading pairs are offered and it is now possible to do cryptocurrency margin trading on major altcoins. This is a cool feature, but use it with caution as leveraged trading has a certain risk factor. Keep in mind that some of the best bitcoin exchange sites also do altcoins. Yobit, Bittrex, Cryptopia and Changelly, are great options worth checking out. Some even offer short selling on major coins.
You may also like to check the coin rankings & market capitalizations on coinkapp - which has a splendid comparisons list of the top cryptocurrencies. Alternatively, coinmarketcap offers a rather simplified list.
The best place to buy bitcoin securely.
This is an important question to ask when choosing the best place to buy bitcoin. Yes, putting the words trustworthy bitcoin exchange and the best place to buy bitcoin in the same sentence seems like an oxymoron, especially when remembering the shiny days of MtGox (aka Empty-Gox). While the bitcoin protocol has never been hacked, many peripheral businesses have. Perhaps the best question to ask would be: which are the least secure bitcoin exchanges. Generally, those listed here are optimum and of good standing, but please proceed with caution. Remember never to leave more btc online than you can afford to loose.
A sample of some reviews below, or view our full cryptocurrency exchanges reviews!
Below are pros and cons of some of the most popular exchanges on the market.
eToro was one of the first CFD providers to offer cryptocurrencies on their platform. With an extremely easy to use interface, it is a huge attraction for beginners who are looking to invest in crypto for the first time. Buying crypto as a CFD is different to buying and owning the actual cryptocurrency, but does it really matter? We take a look at eToro in more detail.
Increased liqu >Cons.
Currently offers 14 cryptocurrencies You don't own the underlying asset.
* 76% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Cryptoassets are highly volatile unregulated investment product. No EU investor protection. Your capital is at risk.


Coinbase Update: Coinbase buy and sell orders resolved but performance still 'degraded'. Coinbase combine an attractive interface, a great site to get bitcoins with a debit card, and an insured online wallet for your digital currency. Over 30,000,000 users are signed up, including 75,000 merchants, and 15000 developer apps. Works well for European, and American customers. It started with just bitcoin trading but has now expended to include Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum & Litecoin. I've also written a comprehensive Coinbase review for more detail.
The most user-friendly and trusted platform, currently has 200 million page-views per month Lots of long-time customers Online wallet with insurance.
Slightly more work needed when verifying account.
Binance Update: Binance offers $250,000 reward for details that lead to arrest of hackers. The China-based cryptocurrency exchange began live trading in July 2017, so is fairly new to the crypto exchange world. However it has proven itself thus far to its clients, with its robust charting software and both basic and advanced interfaces attracting novice and expert traders. We've written an in depth analysis of Binance.
Low fees on transactions and withdrawals Offers a vast array of coins including typically rare coins The team has an excellent past in crypto and finance High liqu >Cons.
Clarification needed on how Chinese regulatory will affect the exchange New platforms require time to gain client trust.
Bittrex Update: We've unlisted Bittrex from the ranking while new account registrations remain closed. I'll be re-listing the exchange once new sign-ups are allowed. Currently only corporate accounts are being accepted, which is not ideal for cryptocurrency exchanges.
Update 2: Bittrex now claims they are compliant with SEC's ICO rules.
Bittrex has earned it's place as the new contender to the throne of world's largest crypto exchange. Years of hard work and some lucky circumstances (BTC-e shut-down, Poloniex exodus, Cryptsy) have compounded a steady inflow of new users. It is a great place to trade bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I'll let you read the detail in my Bittrex review, which has some important facts and analysis.
Nearly 200 trading pairs Currently the most visited altcoin exchange with over 150 million monthly visits Trusted by millions of traders High volumes available for big trades.
New account registration temporarily disabled to cope with demand. Cannot scale as well as Poloniex or Coinbase Heavy vetting requirements - especially for a non-fiat exchange Minor scaling issues as users flow in to sing-up.
Localbitcoins is quite a popular for p2p (person to person) transactions all over the world. Simply put, you interact directly with the guy selling to you. Out of all the bitcoin sites listed here, this is one of the first and most reputed. Escrow and dispute resolution is provided by the site. See my thorough review of Localbitcoins, I personally use it to cash out of positions quite often.
Great way to meet people PayPal also available No verification needed in most cases Popular in all countries around the globe.
May take longer to conclude in-person transactions Risks associated with anonymous transactions Reports of ome seller bank accounts being been suspended after receiving money.
CEX is one of those international bitcoin exchanges accepting euros, British pounds, US dollars, Russian Rubles, Ethereum, Zcash, and Dash. Needless to say, CEX is very popular within those currency regions. There is a no-nonsense landing page, giving you the option to buy or sell 100, 200, 500, or 1000 USD worth of Bitcoin. I like the transparency given to users about how much they will actually pay - even before they sign up. Good security practices, a modern and simple user interface, and both bank transfer & credit card purchases are available. CEX is indeed a good beginner-optimized alternative to Coinbase. Read the comprehensive Cex review for more details including fees, verification, & security.
Bank transfer and credit card deposits Very easy to use & great for beginners Users know how much they will pay before even signing up Buying and selling Ethereum is available.
Recently Litecoin was unlisted.
Kraken Update: In late 2017 Kraken was temporarily unlisted here following extensive trading engine and UI issues. Thankfully, in January 2018 the website underwent a successful migration and all systems are now reported to be functioning to everyone's satisfaction.
Kraken works well through SEPA, has an easy verification process (expect 4-6 weeks vetting with current backlog) compared to Bitstamp, and is very knowledgeable when it come to cryptography and security. As of early 2017, this platform has been re-positioning themselves as a crypto exchange by adding multiple new altcoins. I've written an in-depth Kraken review with everything you need to know..
Cheapest rates and fastest times for trading, depositing and withdrawing Work best for Europeans and North America Has successfully resloved site-w >Cons.
A recent code update caused the site to be offline for 3 days. Recently disabled stop-loss and other trading features without giving explanation to the community Site not as visually intuitive as Coinbase or Cex.
GDAX is a cryptocurrency exchange that is great for technical traders and offers high levels of liquidity. Deposits are in USD and can be processed just as rapidly as withdrawls. Also happens to be the best ethereum exchange for serious players in this space. For more information on GDAX.
An integral part of the trusted Coinbase brand Optimized to be a serious trading site.
More ID processing steps than on Chinese trading platforms.
Xcoins describes itself as a Bitcoin lending service that allows traders to get bitcoins by using a credit card or PayPal. Due to charge back with paypal, buying cryptocurrency has been difficult however Xcoins claims to have found a way around it. Their unique peer-to-peer lending model connects lenders and borrowers and allows users to get bitcoins through a series of secure loans. Each secure loan can be paid with any PayPal-recognised payment method. Unlike regular cryptocurrency exchanges, borrowers that no longer want the bitcoin can get their money back. Lenders may also choose to join the platform for free.
Two-factor authentication Good customer service Easy verification Users get their bitcoin immediately after paying the lender.
Low minimum loan amount Website was hacked in 2017 No extensive features on the website.
Update: Reports suggest Bitstamp will be sold to a South Korean gamain company. The price thought to be $350 million.
Bitstamp are big in Europe and, since 2011, have moved from Slovenia, and the United Kingdom in search of sound regulatory environments. Good volumes are available for larger trades. Well received by people using SEPA and credit cards. Both euro and US dollar deposits are accepted. I like Bitstamp because they really focus on being a pure bitcoin-only exchange (update: since 2017 Bitstamp have started adding popular cryptocoins). Please read my Bitstamp critique for analysis of factors such as security, fees, and the history.
Card purchases available (visa mastercard and visa) in Europe and the USA. HQ Located in Luxembourg Good for large transactions yet easy to use for beginners.
Not available outside of EU and the USA.
A lot of you have asked me whether trading bitcoin is better than buying it. The answer depends on your goals, and experience of bitcoin trading. If you're looking to hold bitcoin as a long-term investment and check the price intermittently, it's better to buy bitcoin. This way you benefit from a small, one time exchange fee and the assurance that you hold a physical bitcoin in your wallet which can be spent at various retail stores.
Trading requires daily technical analysis and a sound understanding of trading platforms. I wouldn't recommend this unless you're experienced with eToro or an MT4 platform. That said, there are benefits to bitcoin trading. It gives you the option to quickly scale in and out of positions, and take profits at a desired price. When you trade bitcoin, you can take advantage of daily fluctuations in price. The CFD brokers used for trading are regulated, and your funds are arguably more secure than at an exchange like Coinbase. You will be charged spread (fee) on each trade, but you can execute a buy or sell order quicker. The biggest benefit to trading bitcoin is the limit - it's far easier to open a $100,000 position at a CFD broker than go through stringent checks and buy an equivalent amount on Coinbase.
My honest opinion? Do both - start off by buying bitcoin at exchange, but learn to trade bitcoin so you can better take advantage of price movements.
There are loads of places where you can buy and sell Bitcoin in the US. In fact, some of the world's most popular Bitcoin exchange sites are American.
Coinbase is one of America's most popular Bitcoin exchange site and probably the fastest and easiest way to buy Bitcoin in the US. The site has an 'Instant Buy' option for credit or debit card purchases and setting up an account is quick and easy with no long waits for verification (this can be an issue with some exchange sites).
If you wish to buy Bitcoin via bank transfer on Coinbase, it can take up to five days which is a bit annoying. Although, if you do buy using a connected bank account, Coinbase charges a much lower fee for purchases - it's 3.99% for credit/debit card purchases and only 1.49% for bank transfer purchase.
I'd say Coinbase is the easiest way for newbies to buy Bitcoin because the site specifically caters to those who may not be all that familiar with cryptocurrencies. Admittedly, the fees are a little on the steep side compared to, say, LocalBitcoins and Kraken, but the good thing about using Coinbase is that you don't have to worry too much about security.
Coinbase gives users the option to store coins in what it calls 'the Vault' (a more secure location because allegedly not even Coinbase can access coins in the Vault). This is good because security can be a concern with some of the lesser known sites. In short, Coinbase is a trustworthy brand and a safe and secure place to buy Bitcoin.
Oh, and additionally, Coinbase accepts payment via PayPal, which many sites are yet to cater for. As well as Bitcoin, Coinbase also offers support for Ethereum and Litecoin.
Of course, Coinbase isn't your only option if you want to buy Bitcoins in the US. There are countless other sites, some of which charge lower fees than Coinbase so it's worth considering other options.
If it's lower fees you're after, LocalBitcoins is another good option because the site simply puts buyers and sellers in contact with one other and offers an escrow service to ensure nobody gets ripped off. It is solely for bitcoin trading but a benefit it has is that it operates in all countries and buyers can pay for Bitcoins however they like, though most pay via cash deposit. Just remember to follow the rules of the site and beware of scammers.
Finally, if you want low fees but still want to go the traditional exchange route, I'd recommend either Gemini, a New York-based site which offers some of the lowest fees around (but doesn't operate in all states so check first to see if your state is catered for), or Kraken, which also charges low fees but can be a bit tricky for new users and the customer service isn't all that great.
To be clear, I've only talked about sites where you can buy Bitcoin using FIAT money. There are other sites you can use if you already have another cryptocurrency and want to use that to buy Bitcoin.
If you are interested this is a good page to give you information on buying bitcoin the in the US.
At the time of writing, OKEx is the exchange with the largest bitcoin volume going through it. However, this changes on a regular basis.
With cryptocurrency exchanges moving locations (to avoid countries clamping down on them, namely China), the volumes of bitcoin traded at each one are often found to fluctuate.
Not only exchange locations but exchanges abilities to keep their trading functionality working is also another factor when looking at their volume. Binance, for example, recently stopped its trading services to update its systems. During that period, volumes were obviously completely down, however now they're back, they sit second for the highest volume in the last 24 hours according to coinmarkepcap.com.
It is always worth keeping an eye on the news if you are interested in exchange volumes, watch out for regulation being introduced into different countries.
Bitcoin exchange fees are a pain, there's no doubt about it. However, if you shop around you can avoid getting totally ripped off when you buy Bitcoin.
Bitstamp boasts deposit fees as low as 0.05% and, depending on how much Bitcoin you want to buy, you'll be charged a transaction fee of between 0.25%-0.1%. If you deposit/withdraw your money via SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) you won't be charged any hidden commissions, as is the case with some sites.
I'd say Kraken is also a good shout if it's low fees you're after. Their fee schedule can be found here: https://www.kraken.com/help/fees.
The good thing about Kraken is you can buy using FIAT and they charge you next to nothing to withdraw your funds. Most other sites charge higher fees when you buy and then again when you withdraw so you get bitten twice, so to speak.
Coinbase's rates are relatively low if you pay via a connected bank account (although the downside is this can take up to five days). When you buy via bank transfer, Coinbase usually charges a 1.49% commission on Bitcoin purchases (this varies slightly depending on what country you are in).
If you are in Europe and in a country which participates in SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area), you are charged next to nothing to withdraw funds (€0.15 with Coinbase) which is great. The same goes for all sites which support SEPA. Kraken, for example, charges €0.09 for withdrawals.
Unfortunately, if you're in the US, Canada, Australia or most other parts of the world, you'll be charged a bit more to withdraw funds. This is annoying because you're effectively paying commission twice: once when you buy and once when you withdraw.


Lowest fees are probably on LocalBitcoins because you're buying directly from other people and the site doesn't take much, per trade. Using LocalBitcoins maybe requires a tad more technical know-how but the site is good and reliable and guides you through the process of signing up and initiating a trade nicely.
Local Bitcoins charges a flat 1% fee on each purchase.
There are some Bitcoin sites which allow payment to be made via PayPal. Coinbase, for one, offers support for PayPal. In fact, Coinbase is probably the most reputable site which allows payment via PayPal.
The easiest way to buy Bitcoin online is via exchange sites such as Coinbase or escrow services like LocalBitcoins. The exchanges mentioned will explain how to buy cryptocurrency in a simple manner.
You need an internet connection to be able to use these services. Once you've purchased Bitcoin, however, you can store coins in an offline wallet for added security.
You can do this by storing the private keys which relate to the coins on either a paper wallet or a hardware wallet.
If you're looking to buy large quantities of Bitcoin, you can use OTC (Over the Counter) exchanges. OTCs specialize in fulfilling large orders and, as such, can usually execute your order a lot faster than traditional exchanges can.
With OTC exchanges, you can essentially buy Bitcoin offline because you either phone up or more likely visit the offices in person.
This is a problem lots of people are now beginning to run into. With many exchanges there are high levels of verification to go through before even getting close to that sort of initial deposit.
If you are based in the UK, you can organise a meeting with them to discuss the best ways to invest larger sums of capital.
There are other exchanges out there that are specifically designed for high rollers, Cumberland mining will only accept clients who are looking to invest over $100,000.
Plenty of exchanges allow you to buy Bitcoin instantly but you'll usually have to pay a bit more for the privilege.
Coinbase, for example, has an Instant Buy option but you must use a credit or debit card so the transaction can be authenticated instantly and they charge 3.99% per purchase, rather than the usual 1.49%.
Many other sites offer a similar service but, like with Coinbase, it will usually cost a bit more than to buy via a connected bank account or wire transfer.
LocalBitcoins is another great way to buy Bitcoin quickly. Setting up an account doesn't take long and, as long there are enough sellers, it is usually pretty easy to execute an order.


Whale Moves 1000 BTC to External Wallet -- Prepare to HODL? - BeInCrypto October 14, 2019.
What Is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a decentralized peer-to-peer network that enables easy transfer and storage of money in its 'blockchain. It is an open source meaning anyone can make use of its' platform, and it is also decentralized, meaning that, any central authority does not regulate it. It was created by anonymous cryptographer called Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.
Bitcoin was created by an anonymous name called Satoshi Nakamoto Other notable names rumored to be part of the team include.
Hall Finney mentioned as one of the people that remodeled bitcoin network. Nick Szabo worked as part of the team that developed the application. He made a comment about "bit gold," which later metamorphosed to bitcoin. Craig Steven is a former academic to have supervised the creation of bitcoin.
The practical uses of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is one stop shop for exchanging goods and services around the globe. Bitcoin is widely being used for investment either by itself or anything associated with it. It can be used to create and store digital assets such as academic credentials, financial agreement, properties, It is for payment of services, school fees, royalty fees, Bitcoin is used advance learning and research. It is widely .used to create applications such as mobile application, e-payment app.etc.
Bitcoin Mining.
If you have the required hardware, you can mine bitcoin even if you are not a miner. There are different ways one can mine bitcoin such as cloud mining, mining pool, etc. For cloud mining, all you need to do is to connect to the datacenter and start mining. The good thing about this is that you can mine from anywhere and you don't need a physical hardware to mine.
For mining pool, all you need to do is to join a mining group, and if that team solves a computational problem, blocks are added to the blockchain, they get the reward and you get a share of it based on your contribution.
PoW algorithm-SHA-256 is used for mining. Which utilizes a lot of computational power.
How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?
Bitcoin mining saps energy, costly, uses more power and also the reward delays. For mining, run software, get your wallet ready and be the first to solve a cryptographic problem and you get your reward after the new blocks have been added to the blockchain.Mining is said to be successful when all the transactions are recorded in the blockchain and the new blocks are added to the blockchain.
Notes for investors.
Die-hard Bitcoin supporters believe that bitcoin is the future; we are just scratching the surface. Considering the continuous rise of bitcoin in the market capitalization, it is one investment every investor needs to take advantage of it.
The current market capitalization of bitcoin stands at an all-time high of $109 billion. As at January 2016, bitcoin was traded at I BTC for $970 but today is being traded at $6,600 for 1 BTC.
From the statistics presented above, it that bitcoin is one investment, you will never regret embarking on. It keeps recording an impressive results daily in the cryptocurrency market.
Cryptocurrency investment is speculative, and it involves unquantifiable risks - the market is full of uncertainty, susceptible to attack and capital loss, and sensitive to secondary issues, time may do not permit to mention here. Seek advice before investing.


Bitcoin value.
Bitcoin has a price of $ 8,274.50 with a marketcap of $ 148,913,429,305 and ranked 1 of all cryptocurrencies Price today is -1.67% , 24 Hour Volume is $ 17,545,338,892.00.
Bitcoin Price Chart BTC / USD.
Bitcoin Price Candlesticks.
Bitcoin Price Converter.
24 Hour Bitcoin Value.
About Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency released in 2009 as open-source software. It is a digital currency predicated on cryptographically secure transactions, a proof-of-work consensus model, and a decentralized, P2P distributed ledger network. Bitcoin's distributed ledger is the first blockchain -- a shared and distributed timestamped ledger of data blocks connected through a chain of cryptographic hashes -- and solved the double spend problem that had plagued previous iterations of digital currencies.
Latest Bitcoin News & Price Updates.
Bitcoin Price Speculation.
Last year everyone was going bonkers for Bitcoin, and that's no surprise, seeing as how the number one cryptocurrency had an absolutely explosive price performance in 2017. Things have cooled off in 2018 as prices fell significantly, however many are still bullish about Bitcoin's long-term potential.
To that end, the scarce, deflationary quality of Bitcoin makes it totally unlike traditional fiat currencies, which are usually prone to inflation and even hyperinflation in the worst of cases. That means as more investments pour into BTC, its price will likely continue to see upward pressure because there will be no supply response.
Think about how when the price of oil surges, more companies begin producing oil, which then increases the supply and acutely deflates the price of oil accordingly.
No similar supply response can never happen with bitcoins. There will never be more than.
21 million, and even contemporary estimations say more than 3 million BTC have been lost for good, making BTC considerably scarcer than many realize.
That means the BTC could potentially shoot up exponentially in future years. But how high? Let's take a look at some of the more prominent projections we've seen thrown around in recent days.
Wall Street Macro Trader Novogratz Sees $40k BTC.
Once renowned for being a prominent Wall Street hedge fund manager, Mike Novogratz has now set his sights on the cryptocurrency space, and he's not turning back. Running the crypto-based Galaxy Investment Partners, Novogratz is betting big on the Bitcoin boom in general as his mid-term BTC price projection suggests.
"Bitcoin could be at $40,000 at the end of 2018," Novogratz said. "It easily could."
And for Novogratz, there's no confusion as to why that particular price point may end up really materializing. In a November 30th interview on Fox Business, Novogratz unabashedly declared that "Bitcoin is going mainstream."
And Novogratz knows what "mainstream" and "institutional" looks like; he used to run a Goldman Sachs trading desk in Asia before becoming a hedge fund manager at Fortress. If he thinks the "herd" is coming, as it were, then we all best pay attention.
Going much more long-term, Novogratz said it was within the realm of possibility that the bitcoin market cap could one day reach the current market cap of gold, which is around a whopping $8 trillion USD.
If this reality were to materialize down the road, that would put each BTC around the $390,000 price point.
Max Keiser Projects $15k Soon, $100,000 On The Horizon.
Firebrand Bitcoin pundit Max Keiser has never made his love for BTC and its potential a secret.
As such, you'll commonly find him on Twitter making new price predictions based on the Bitcoin boom's momentum.
For now, he's pegging his short-term bitcoin price target at $15,000. That's a reasonable figure, to be sure, especially with BTC's parabolic price performance in Q3 and Q4 2017.
Beyond that, though, Keiser has his eye set on the impressive $100,000 BTC price milestone.
Central Banks are capitulating. Path to $100,000 accelerating. Fiat currencies going the way of Cowrey shells. Nation states, as we've known them, are dead. #Bitcoin is God. The day of reckoning is upon us. pic.twitter.com/OVhSRg73cB.
Adam Back Agrees: $100k Coming.
Love him or hate him, Adam Back is an OG cypherpunk who's made incalculable contributions to the cryptocurrency space as a whole. There's a reason Satoshi Nakamoto reached out to Back (and Wei Dai) first in starting up Bitcoin.
In other words, Back's been around the block once or twice. He knows the ecosystem as well as anyone.
And it's his opinion that the next major target for the bitcoin price to hit is $100,000, echoing Max Keiser's aforementioned prediction.
Right with the institutional interest and news expected next year, be careful selling: only sell what you can afford to. $100k is the next number. (Or with 1,000,000:1 stock split 1c=1bit, next number is 10c/bit.) https://t.co/2ldMTpWhzG.
In a recent tweet, Back even went as far to say that users should "be careful selling" bitcoin in 2018 because the price could rocket so acutely over the next 12 months that people would've made considerably more by just holding.
John McAfee: Bitcoin $1,000,000 Each In 2020.
John McAfee is best known as the creator of the popular McAfee antivirus software. He's also become a Bitcoin aficionado over the past several months, and he never hesitates to voice his opinions on the cryptocurrency craze accordingly.
And his opinions are exceedingly bullish, to say the least. McAfee was projecting $500,000 BTC in 2020 just a few weeks ago, but he modified his claim to be even more bold as bitcoin's market surge has been moving faster than he anticipated.
Now, McAfee thinks $1 million per bitcoin will be reality by the end of 2020. That's almost an unfathomable possibility at the moment, but maybe we haven't seen anything yet. Especially if institutional interest keeps exploding.
When I predicted Bitcoin at $500,000 by the end of 2020, it used a model that predicted $5,000 at the end of 2017. BTC has accelerated much faster than my model assumptions. I now predict Bircoin at $1 million by the end of 2020. I will still eat my dick if wrong. pic.twitter.com/WVx3E71nyD.
But McAfee has even bolder ideas, to be sure. In an even newer Twitter exchange, McAfee explained that he believes the BTC price could reach into the billions one day.
Specifically, the tens of billions as he argues:
There are only 21 million Bitcoins. There are 2 billion working people in the world. Final Bitcoin value = (average individual economic productivity) × (number of productive people) ÷ (21 million). A GROSS simplification, but the answers is in the tens of billions $ per coin.
That's certainly the most aggressive price prediction anyone's made for BTC yet. But if that insane price materializes, McAfee will end up looking like even more of a madman genius than he already is.
Falkvinge Sees $2-5 Million Bitcoin As Possible.
Swedish Pirate Party founder Rick Falkvinge is a big proponent of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), going so far as to sarcastically call himself the CEO of Bitcoin Cash.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't respect the beast that BTC is and could be.
"Bitcoin] can easily go to more than $1 million per bitcoin." Falkvinge said during a recent interview. But that's just Falkvinge's conservative estimate. He's actually more bullish than that, asserting that BTC can go as high as $5 million:
"If cryptocurrency fulfills its promise, and there's no indication it wouldn't, then the equivalent of one bitcoin needs to be in the $2-5 million dollar range."
Tim Draper.
The cryptocurrency expert and venture capitalist, Tim Draper, has also given its opinion about the future price of Bitcoin. According to him bitcoin and blockchain technology are one of the best things that happened for businesses.
Mr Draper said in 2014 that Bitcoin could reach $10,000 in just three years, something that happened in 2017, exactly on the date he predicted. When he explained that bitcoin could reach that price ($10,000), the cryptocurrency was traded just at $413 dollars.
At the same time, he said that in the future Bitcoin could keep growing. About that, he is convinced that the cryptocurrency is the future and that the virtual currency market will gain its place among fiat currencies.
"Bitcoin is the future currency. Why would I sell the future for the past? Why would I go and grab some weird fiat subject to the will of some governments?" he commented during an interview with Bloomberg.
"The world market for cryptocurrencies is 6 trillion dollars, and I think that that it will be crypto. And I am really excited about all the extraordinary things that can happen because of crypto and bitcoin."
Cameron Winklevoss.
Cameron Winklevoss is one of the two popular Winklevoss twins. The co-founder of the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, stated that bitcoin could be worth 40 times its current value.
In order to explain why bitcoin could grow up to 40 times, he compared the cryptocurrency market capitalization with the market cap of gold.
During an interview with CNBC he said:
"So if you look at a $100 billion market cap today, now last week it might have been more like 200, so it's actually a buying opportunity, we think that there's a potential appreciation of 30 to 40 times because you look at the gold market today, it's a $7 trillion market. And so a lot of people are starting to se that, they recognize the store of value properties."
He has also said that due to the fact that bitcoin has a fixed supply, it is still a very underappreciated asset. Indeed, he stated that he and his brother believe that bitcoin disrupts gold.
The Winklevoss twins emphasized that they will not sell their bitcoins even if the price surpasses $380,000 dollars. This is a special number, because if bitcoin reaches this price level, its market capitalization will be equal to gold's market valuation.
Jeet Signh.
An important portfolio manager that worked for more than six years in the cryptocurrency world, predicted this year that Bitcoin could reach $50,000 dollars. While speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, he brought some calm to the cryptocurrency market. "Bitcoin could definitely see $50,000 in 2018."
At the moment of the statement, Bitcoin was traded over $11,000, days later it reached the lowest point in months when it was displayed in cryptocurrency exchanges under $6,000 dollars.
But Mr Singh said that the kind of volatility that bitcoin experienced is not unusual nor unexpected. And that's confirmed when we pay attention to the charts. In the past, Bitcoin suffered important corrections in just a few days.
Mr Singh commented:
"If you look at Microsoft of Apple when they went public their stocks were very volatile because the market wasn't mature. There are not so many vendors right now who can accept cryptocurrencies but there's huge adoption on the black market."
Cryptocurrency adoption keeps growing all over the world. In past articles we wrote that enterprises are investing in blockchain technologies and virtual currencies. Businesses all around the world, including small shops and merchants, are adopting bitcoin and other currencies as a means of payment.
If the adoption trend continues, bitcoin could lead the market towards new all time highs. Additionally, payment processors are working with cryptocurrencies trying to spread their benefits.
What's the BTC Price if Crypto Market Reaches Stock Market Size?
Let's get really speculative just for the purposes of illustration the growth that's possible in the coming years.
The current market cap of all global stock markets is around $100 trillion USD. Woah, right? Accordingly, let's say that the entire cryptocurrency market one day reaches this $100 trillion cap.
And let's also say that BTC maintains its current position as hovering around a 50 percent share of the entire crypto market (though, of course, there's no reason to believe it'll stay at 50 percent forever).
That would put Bitcoin as having around a $50 trillion market cap. At this point, all we need is to divide $50 trillion by the number of bitcoins in existence.
Let's go with 17 million instead of 21 million since many bitcoins have been lost already.


Alas: $50 trillion div >
Now, we can't count our eggs before they've hatched. There's still quite the mountain to climb for the crypto market to get even close to hitting $100 trillion. But maybe it's possible in 30 or 40 years. Maybe not at all.
It's going to be a wild ride no matter what happens between now and then, that much is for sure.
Bitcoin Price History.
As the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin's long price history should come as no surprise. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, an alias for a person or group who has still not been revealed. Over the years, it has hit many highs and lows, To better understand the past of this cryptocurrency, as well as its potential in the future, take a deeper delve into its history.
The First Transactions.
The very first transaction involving Bitcoin occurred between an early adopter and Nakamoto in January 2009. The first transaction in the real world is the notorious instance when a Bitcoin miner chose to buy pizza from Papa John's. He famously spent 10,000 Bitcoins to buy two pizzas in 2010 in Florida. That transaction alone perfectly shows the dramatic change in value that Bitcoin has experienced over the years.
2011 and Earlier.
The very first major jump in Bitcoin price took place in July 2010. At this point, the value of Bitcoin went from about $0.0008 all the way up to $0.08, a truly dramatic increase in price. At this point and in the following year, very few exchanges supported trading of Bitcoin. There was also extremely limited liquidity at this time due to cryptocurrency still being relatively unknown. That meant that when the price started an increase in June 2011 from about $0.95, the approach was among the steepest recorded. Unfortunately, the drop also followed suit. By mid-June of that year, Bitcoin was up to $320, an all-time high. By November, it had declined 94 percent all the way to $20.
January 2012 Crash.
Following this dramatic fall, investors were hesitant about Bitcoin. 2012 began with Bitcoin at $4.50. During January, it got back up to $7. This time, the crash occurred before Bitcoin reached its previous high. Once it hit $7.40, it went back to $3.80, a decline of 49 percent.
Rallying Prices in Late 2013.
2013 saw the beginnings of Bitcoin's rise to fame. It began the year at around $13.50. By April 2013, it was briefly above $220. This was short-lived, however, going back to $70 by the middle of April. This crash was much more significant than the earlier ones, with some calling it the first true crash.
That crash was made up for by a rally in October and November of that year. By early October, Bitcoin was at about $100, and it hit $195 by the end of the month. In November alone, Bitcoin had an unbelievable rally, going from $200 to more than $1,120. The causes of this rally were fairly obvious to most people, as more miners and exchanges were supporting Bitcoin. In addition, China had entered the marketplace.
The Aftermath of 2013.
Unfortunately, these new highs for Bitcoin were so far from the past figures that the price was very volatile. The volatility was fueled by rumors of poor security on Mt. Gox exchange, which was part of about 70 percent of Bitcoin transactions of the time. This was likely a contributing factor in the drop of Bitcoin's price from $1,230 on Dec. 4, 2013, to $750 by Dec. 7.
There was some trading stabilization in January 2014, with the price staying about $920. When Mt. Gox filed for bankruptcy protection in February, another Bitcoin crash occurred. Between Feb. 4 and 16, it declined about 71 percent from $911 to $260. By March, it had recovered to about $620.
From there, the price of Bitcoin hit a more gradual decline. In mid-July 2014, Bitcoin was priced at about $600, which dropped to just $315 by early 2015. It remained stable over the summer before spiking in November up to $460. By the end of November, it was back to about $360.
2017: The Leadup to the All-Time High.
The most recent exciting news in Bitcoin history began in November 2017 and led to the current all-time high for the cryptocurrency. In 2017, Bitcoin went from trading at just over $900 to about $20,000. This was a journey with many ups and downs along the way, a drop in trading volumes due to the People's Bank of China tightening oversight of Bitcoin exchanges and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rejecting a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund.
Summer of 2017 saw Bitcoin reaching a new all-time high. In May, it hit $2,000 for the first time ever, and just a few weeks later, it was already over $3,000. Unsurprisingly, each new milestone was followed by a quick drop in price and other turbulence. Even so, the rally was enough to continue the upward trend, reaching $5,000 in September before dropping back to $3,000 and rebounding by mid-October. From there, Bitcoin had a steady rise.
Reaching the All-Time High.
By December, Bitcoin was on track to hit its all-time high thanks to a dramatic and steady increase in price. On Dec. 17, 2017, it reached $19,783.21, the all-time high that has yet to be broken. Unfortunately, that high was followed by a drop of about 30 percent, with a market correction that brought it down to under $11,000. The price did recover, reaching $16,000 again on Dec. 27.
The Bitcoin Crash in Early 2018.
After Bitcoin nearly reached $20,000, it was not able to maintain those figures. January did see a high of over $17,500 around the 7 th , but this was short-lived and followed by a steady drop. By the end of January 2018, Bitcoin was at just over $10,000. By Feb. 5, it was under $7,000. It rallied again, getting over $11,000 in early March, but this was followed by a drop back below $7,000. The largest recent high for Bitcoin was in early May, when it was above $9,500. By late June, it was under $6,000. Following a rise to more than $8,000 in late July, Bitcoin has remained around $6,000 to $6,500, other than a brief spike up over $7,300 in September.


Oct 28, 2019, 04:57 pm #39 Last Edit: Apr 20, 2020, 06:47 am by admin
BTC Price Growth and Other Reasons to Buy Bitcoin.
Since its launch in 2009, Bitcoin has proven to be a profitable investment for those who owned it initially. Having bought it for only $50 back then, one can now earn high revenues, as now its price has grown hundreds of times larger. Observing the popularity of BTC to USD exchange operations, there are immense opportunities to gain benefits from the Bitcoin trade. After the coin was launched, it cost $0.003 on April 25, 2010, at BitcoinMarket.com, which was the first cryptocurrency exchange. Starting at that time, the Bitcoin to dollar exchange rate has increased dramatically, and some of the initial owners gained earnings of over thousand percent. Now, while some users may be simply attracted by the potential of growing prices, many buyers believe that the currency itself has a high level of volatility. According to some financial specialists, it is even more volatile than gold. And some individuals believe that Bitcoin has the potential to replace fiat money in the future.
Bitcoin to USD Exchange that Saves You Time.
If you look for the most recent BTC price in USD, the Trade section will instantly reflect the market situation on easy-to-interpret graphs.
It is possible to conduct instant operations, making Bitcoin to dollar trades by using ready-to-buy packages in the Buy/Sell section.
The system will always do all the necessary calculations automatically. For example, to exchange Bitcoins to USD, you should simply input the amount of BTC you would like to sell. After that, you will see the amount of dollars that you are able to receive under the current market conditions.
This also works in the reverse direction. So, you are always able to learn not only what amount of dollars you receive when you convert Bitcoin to USD but also how many dollars you need to buy Bitcoin.


Bitcoin to usd.
BTC USD (Bitcoin / US Dollar)
This is the most popular Bitcoin pair in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of Bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls this cryptocurrency and everyone can take part. Bitcoin price grew significantly within a short period of time making the BTC/USD pair quite popular among active traders and investors. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.


Bitcoin News.
Bitcoin is the first peer-to-peer digital currency, also known as cryptocurrency. It is famous for its decentralized transactions, meaning that there is no central governing body operating it, such as a central bank. Bitcoin News will help you to get the latest information about what is happening in the market. Get to know more about "Bitcoin mining" and its circulation tendencies by dedicating some time for the most important Bitcoin News on a daily basis. If you wonder what the future of Bitcoin will look like, stay on the top of the information flow with Bitcoin News today. It's important to get all the details and to form your own opinion about the possible upcoming scenarios. With Bitcoin News today you will be aware of the latest trends and you will be able to accumulate what is likely to happen. Nevertheless, it's worth hearing various opinions and create your own overview. Latest Bitcoin News is definitely your needed source of information, so take a look and find what is of your interest. You will be excited by the changing situation and new opportunities that Bitcoin offers. It's definitely the currency of the future, so stay tuned with the Latest Bitcoin News and build your own investment plan. It's all about the right timing, so be wise and collect as much knowledge as possible right now. Don't lose the chance to see how the future will look like and get prepared for the new era!


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SEC Halts $1.7 Billion Telegram ICO.
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Future Bitcoin Block Halving May Not Result in Bull Market: Bitmain CEO.
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UNICEF to Use Crypto to Fund Open Source Technology.
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HaasOnline Continues to Transform Crypto Trading Automation with New Visual Designer and HaasScript.
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Video appears to show fire ravaging Innosilicon's giant data centre in China.
Bitcoin price crash wipes $10 billion from cryptocurrency's value.
Latest fall despite analyst's prediction that $10,000 is 'new normal bottom'
Bitcoin price shoots up after Trump tweets about China tariffs.
Cryptocurrency increasingly seen as safe investment as trade war escalates.
Youngest bitcoin millionaire plans to kill Facebook's Libra.
China's state cryptocurrency to rival bitcoin is 'almost' ready.
Facebook Libra cryptocurrency scams continue to plague social network.
Facebook's cryptocurrency is more promising than it seems.
If the social media company can gain the public's trust, when the books of financial history are written, Libra could easily go down as one of the big contributors towards global financial inclusion.


Zcash's Halo Breakthrough Is a Big Deal - Not Just For Cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin Faces Drop Below $8K Despite Beating Hurdle.
G7 Evaluates Stablecoins as Risk to Financial Stability.
Thrill-Seeking Drives Crypto Traders, Study Finds.
5 Top Car Makers Enter Field Trials for Automatic Blockchain Payments.
Renault, BMW, General Motors, Honda and Ford are set to begin real-world testing of blockchain IDs for cars next month.
Forex Broker FXCM Launches Basket of 5 Cryptos for Retail Investors.
Foreign exchange trading platform FXCM Group has launched a basket of five cryptocurrencies aimed at retail investors.
Switzerland's 'Crypto Valley' Is Bringing Blockchain to Zurich.
The Crypto Valley Association and Zurich Tourism are working to bring blockchain awareness, tourism and business to Zurich.
Token Investors May Sue After Former Korean Social Media Giant Shuts Down.
A once hugely popular social media site, Cyworld's abrupt closure brings uncertainty to holders of its recently launched crypto token.
Coinbase Eyes European Growth After Winning Irish E-Money License.
Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has been granted an Irish e-money license that will bring it greater access to EU and EEA markets.
Daily Liqu > Oct 14, 2019 at 06:08 | David Pan.
Crypto accounting firm Lukka has partnered with fund administrator Theorem to provide same-day net asset value reporting capabilities.
South Korean Blockchain > Oct 14, 2019 at 04:14 | David Pan.
Blockchain digital ID startup ICONLOOP received its first venture capital investment through an $8 million Series A round.
Telegram Could Postpone Crypto Issuance After US Halts Token Sale.
Telegram could delay the late October launch of its own crypto after the SEC ordered it to halt the allegedly "unlawful" token sale in the U.S.
CoinDesk's On Tap Meetup With CoinDesk Japan Is Happening Tonight in Tokyo.
See you tonight for pizza, beer, and blockchain.
Zcash Will Get a Gateway Into Ethereum's DeFi Ecosystem.
The theme of Devcon 5 was clear: For smaller assets like zcash, all roads lead to ethereum.